
R interface to Google CloudML


Function(s) Description
cloudml_train() Train a model using Cloud ML


Function(s) Description
cloudml_deploy() Deploy SavedModel to CloudML
cloudml_predict() Perform Prediction over a CloudML Model.

Managing Jobs

Function(s) Description
job_status() Current status of a job
job_collect() Collect job output
job_stream_logs() Show job log stream
job_trials() Current trials of a job
job_cancel() Cancel a job
job_list() List all jobs

Google Storage

Function(s) Description
gs_copy() Copy files to / from Google Storage
gs_rsync() Synchronize content of two buckets/directories
gs_data_dir() Google storage bucket path that syncs to local storage when not
running on CloudML.
gs_data_dir_local() Get a local path to the contents of Google Storage bucket

Google Cloud SDK

Function(s) Description
gcloud_install() Install the Google Cloud SDK
gcloud_init() Initialize the Google Cloud SDK
gcloud_terminal() Create an RStudio terminal with access to the Google Cloud SDK