

Hub Load


Loads a module from a handle.


hub_load(handle, tags = NULL) 


Arguments Description
handle (string) the Module handle to resolve.
tags A set of strings specifying the graph variant to use, if loading from a v1 module.


Currently this method is fully supported only with Tensorflow 2.x and with modules created by calling export_savedmodel. The method works in both eager and graph modes. Depending on the type of handle used, the call may involve downloading a TensorFlow Hub module to a local cache location specified by the TFHUB_CACHE_DIR environment variable. If a copy of the module is already present in the TFHUB_CACHE_DIR, the download step is skipped. Currently, three types of module handles are supported: 1) Smart URL resolvers such as tfhub.dev, e.g.: https://tfhub.dev/google/nnlm-en-dim128/1. 2) A directory on a file system supported by Tensorflow containing module files. This may include a local directory (e.g. /usr/local/mymodule) or a Google Cloud Storage bucket (gs://mymodule). 3) A URL pointing to a TGZ archive of a module, e.g. https://example.com/mymodule.tar.gz.


model <- hub_load('https://tfhub.dev/google/tf2-preview/mobilenet_v2/feature_vector/4')