

Creates shared embeddings for categorical columns


This is similar to step_embedding_column, except that it produces a list of embedding columns that share the same embedding weights.


  combiner = "mean", 
  initializer = NULL, 
  shared_embedding_collection_name = NULL, 
  ckpt_to_load_from = NULL, 
  tensor_name_in_ckpt = NULL, 
  max_norm = NULL, 
  trainable = TRUE 


Arguments Description
spec A feature specification created with feature_spec().
Comma separated list of variable names to apply the step. selectors can also be used.
dimension An integer specifying dimension of the embedding, must be > 0. Can also be a function of the size of the vocabulary.
combiner A string specifying how to reduce if there are multiple entries in a single row. Currently ‘mean’, ‘sqrtn’ and ‘sum’ are supported, with ‘mean’ the default. ‘sqrtn’ often achieves good accuracy, in particular with bag-of-words columns. Each of this can be thought as example level normalizations on the column. For more information, see tf.embedding_lookup_sparse.
initializer A variable initializer function to be used in embedding variable initialization. If not specified, defaults to tf.truncated_normal_initializer with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1/sqrt(dimension).
shared_embedding_collection_name Optional collective name of these columns. If not given, a reasonable name will be chosen based on the names of categorical_columns.
ckpt_to_load_from String representing checkpoint name/pattern from which to restore column weights. Required if tensor_name_in_ckpt is not NULL.
tensor_name_in_ckpt Name of the Tensor in ckpt_to_load_from from which to restore the column weights. Required if ckpt_to_load_from is not NULL.
max_norm If not NULL, embedding values are l2-normalized to this value.
trainable Whether or not the embedding is trainable. Default is TRUE.


a FeatureSpec object.


Does not work in the eager mode.

See Also

steps for a complete list of allowed steps. Other Feature Spec Functions: dataset_use_spec(), feature_spec(), fit.FeatureSpec(), step_bucketized_column(), step_categorical_column_with_hash_bucket(), step_categorical_column_with_identity(), step_categorical_column_with_vocabulary_file(), step_categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list(), step_crossed_column(), step_embedding_column(), step_indicator_column(), step_numeric_column(), step_remove_column(), steps