

Downloads a file from a URL if it not already in the cache.


Passing the MD5 hash will verify the file after download as well as if it is already present in the cache.


  file_hash = NULL, 
  cache_subdir = "datasets", 
  hash_algorithm = "auto", 
  extract = FALSE, 
  archive_format = "auto", 
  cache_dir = NULL, 
  untar = FALSE 


Arguments Description
fname Name of the file. If an absolute path /path/to/file.txt is specified the file will be saved at that location.
origin Original URL of the file.
file_hash The expected hash string of the file after download. The sha256 and md5 hash algorithms are both supported.
cache_subdir Subdirectory under the Keras cache dir where the file is saved. If an absolute path /path/to/folder is specified the file will be saved at that location.
hash_algorithm Select the hash algorithm to verify the file. options are ‘md5’, ‘sha256’, and ‘auto’. The default ‘auto’ detects the hash algorithm in use.
extract True tries extracting the file as an Archive, like tar or zip.
archive_format Archive format to try for extracting the file. Options are ‘auto’, ‘tar’, ‘zip’, and None. ‘tar’ includes tar, tar.gz, and tar.bz files. The default ‘auto’ is (‘tar’, ‘zip’). None or an empty list will return no matches found.
cache_dir Location to store cached files, when NULL it defaults to the Keras configuration directory.
untar Deprecated in favor of ‘extract’. boolean, whether the file should be decompressed


Path to the downloaded file