

Create a Keras Layer wrapper


Create a Keras Layer wrapper


create_layer_wrapper(Layer, modifiers = NULL, convert = TRUE) 


Arguments Description
Layer A R6 or Python class generator that inherits from keras$layers$Layer
modifiers A named list of functions to modify to user-supplied arguments before they are passed on to the class constructor. (e.g., list(units = as.integer))
convert Boolean, whether the Python class and its methods should by default convert python objects to R objects. See guide ‘making_new_layers_and_models_via_subclassing.Rmd’ for example usage.


An R function that behaves similarly to the builtin keras layer_* functions. When called, it will create the class instance, and also optionally call it on a supplied argument object if it is present. This enables keras layers to compose nicely with the pipe (%>%). The R function will arguments taken from the initialize (or __init__) method of the Layer. If Layer is an R6 object, this will delay initializing the python session, so it is safe to use in an R package.