Image Captioning

Implement an image captioning model using a CNN and a Transformer.


dfalbel - R translation



Download the dataset

We will be using the Flickr8K dataset for this tutorial. This dataset comprises over 8,000 images, that are each paired with five different captions.

flickr_images <- get_file(

flickr_text <- get_file(

if (!fs::dir_exists(fs::path(fs::path_dir(flickr_text), "Flicker8k_Dataset"))) {
  unzip(flickr_images, exdir = fs::path_dir(flickr_images))
  unzip(flickr_text, exdir = fs::path_dir(flickr_text))  
# Path to the images
IMAGES_PATH <- "Flicker8k_Dataset"

# Desired image dimensions
IMAGE_SIZE <- shape(299, 299)

# Vocabulary size
VOCAB_SIZE <- 10000

# Fixed length allowed for any sequence

# Dimension for the image embeddings and token embeddings
EMBED_DIM <- 512

# Per-layer units in the feed-forward network
FF_DIM <- 512

# Other training parameters

EPOCHS <- 30

Preparing the dataset

captions <- fs::path(fs::path_dir(flickr_text), "Flickr8k.token.txt") %>% 
    col_names = c("img", "caption"),
    delim = "\t"
  ) %>% 
  tidyr::separate(img, into = c("img", "caption_id"), sep = "#") %>% 
  dplyr::select(img, caption) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(img) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise(caption = list(caption)) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(img = fs::path(fs::path_dir(flickr_text), "Flicker8k_Dataset", img))

train <- fs::path(fs::path_dir(flickr_text), "Flickr_8k.trainImages.txt") %>% 
valid <- fs::path(fs::path_dir(flickr_text), "Flickr_8k.devImages.txt") %>% 

test <- fs::path(fs::path_dir(flickr_text), "Flickr_8k.testImages.txt") %>% 

train_data <- captions %>% 
  dplyr::filter(fs::path_file(img) %in% train)

valid_data <- captions %>% 
  dplyr::filter(fs::path_file(img) %in% test)


Vectorizing the text data

We’ll use the text_vectorization layer to vectorize the text data, that is to say, to turn the original strings into integer sequences where each integer represents the index of a word in a vocabulary. We will use a custom string standardization scheme (strip punctuation characters except < and >) and the default splitting scheme (split on whitespace).

punctuation <- c("!", "\\", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", 
"+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ":", ";", "=", "?", "@", "[", 
"\\", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "`", "{", "|", "}", "~")
re <- reticulate::import("re")
punctuation_group <- punctuation %>% 
  sapply(re$escape) %>% 
  paste0(collapse = "") %>% 
  sprintf("[%s]", .)

custom_standardization <- function(input_string) {
  lowercase <- tf$strings$lower(input_string)
  tf$strings$regex_replace(lowercase, punctuation_group, "")

vectorization <- layer_text_vectorization(
    max_tokens = VOCAB_SIZE,
    output_mode = "int",
    output_sequence_length = SEQ_LENGTH,
    standardize = custom_standardization,
vectorization %>% adapt(unlist(train_data$caption))

# Data augmentation for image data

image_augmentation <- keras_model_sequential() %>% 
  layer_random_flip("horizontal") %>% 
  layer_random_rotation(0.2) %>% 

Building a TensorFlow dataset pipeline for training

We will generate pairs of images and corresponding captions using a tf$data$Dataset object. The pipeline consists of two steps:

  1. Read the image from the disk
  2. Tokenize all the five captions corresponding to the image
decode_and_resize <- function(img_path) {
  img_path %>% 
    tf$io$read_file() %>% 
    tf$image$decode_jpeg(channels = 3) %>% 
    tf$image$resize(IMAGE_SIZE) %>% 

process_input <- function(img_path, captions) {

make_dataset <- function(data) {
  data %>% unname() %>% 
    tensor_slices_dataset() %>% 
    dataset_shuffle(nrow(data)) %>% 
    dataset_map(process_input, num_parallel_calls = AUTOTUNE) %>% 
    dataset_batch(BATCH_SIZE) %>% 

# Pass the list of images and the list of corresponding captions
train_dataset <- make_dataset(train_data)
valid_dataset <- make_dataset(valid_data)

Building the model

Our image captioning architecture consists of three models:

  1. A CNN: used to extract the image features
  2. A TransformerEncoder: The extracted image features are then passed to a Transformer based encoder that generates a new representation of the inputs
  3. A TransformerDecoder: This model takes the encoder output and the text data (sequences) as inputs and tries to learn to generate the caption.
get_cnn_model <- function() {
  base_model <- application_efficientnet_b0(
    input_shape = c(IMAGE_SIZE, 3),
    include_top = FALSE,
    weights = "imagenet"
  # We freeze our feature extractor
  base_model$trainable <- FALSE
  base_model_out <- base_model$output %>% 
    layer_reshape(target_shape = c(-1, tail(dim(base_model$output), 1)))
  keras_model(base_model$input, base_model_out)

transformer_encoder_block <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(embed_dim, dense_dim, num_heads, ...) {
    self$embed_dim <- embed_dim
    self$dense_dim <- dense_dim
    self$num_heads <- num_heads
    self$attention_1 <- layer_multi_head_attention(
      num_heads = num_heads, key_dim = embed_dim, dropout = 0.0
    self$layernorm_1 <- layer_normalization()
    self$layernorm_2 <- layer_normalization()
    self$dense_1 <- layer_dense(units = embed_dim, activation = "relu")
  call = function(inputs, training, mask = NULL) {
    inputs <- self$layernorm_1(inputs)
    inputs <- self$dense_1(inputs)
    attention_output_1 <- self$attention_1(
      query = inputs,
      value = inputs,
      key = inputs,
      attention_mask = NULL,
      training = training,
    out_1 <- self$layernorm_2(inputs + attention_output_1)

positional_embedding <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(sequence_length, vocab_size, embed_dim, ...) {
    self$token_embeddings <- layer_embedding(
      input_dim = vocab_size, output_dim = embed_dim
    self$position_embeddings <- layer_embedding(
      input_dim = sequence_length, output_dim = embed_dim
    self$sequence_length <- sequence_length
    self$vocab_size <- vocab_size
    self$embed_dim <- embed_dim
    self$embed_scale <- tf$math$sqrt(tf$cast(embed_dim, tf$float32))
  call = function(inputs) {
    length <- tail(dim(inputs), 1)
    positions <- tf$range(start = 0L, limit = length, delta = 1L)
    embedded_tokens <- self$token_embeddings(inputs)
    embedded_tokens <- embedded_tokens * self$embed_scale
    embedded_positions <- self$position_embeddings(positions)
    embedded_tokens + embedded_positions
  compute_mask = function(inputs, mask) {
    tf$math$not_equal(inputs, 0L)

transformer_decoder_block <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(embed_dim, ff_dim, num_heads, ...) {
    self$embed_dim <- embed_dim
    self$ff_dim <- ff_dim
    self$num_heads <- num_heads
    self$attention_1 <- layer_multi_head_attention(
      num_heads = num_heads, key_dim = embed_dim, dropout = 0.1
    self$attention_2 <- layer_multi_head_attention(
      num_heads = num_heads, key_dim = embed_dim, dropout = 0.1
    self$ffn_layer_1 <- layer_dense(units = ff_dim, activation = "relu")
    self$ffn_layer_2 <- layer_dense(units = embed_dim)
    self$layernorm_1 <- layer_normalization()
    self$layernorm_2 <- layer_normalization()
    self$layernorm_3 <- layer_normalization()
    self$embedding <- positional_embedding(
      embed_dim = EMBED_DIM, sequence_length = SEQ_LENGTH, vocab_size = VOCAB_SIZE
    self$out <- layer_dense(units = VOCAB_SIZE, activation = "softmax")
    self$dropout_1 <- layer_dropout(rate = 0.3)
    self$dropout_2 <- layer_dropout(rate = 0.5)
    self$supports_masking <- TRUE
  call = function(inputs, encoder_outputs, training, mask = NULL) {
    inputs <- self$embedding(inputs)
    causal_mask <- self$get_causal_attention_mask(inputs)
    if(!is.null(mask)) {
      padding_mask <- tf$cast(mask[, , tf$newaxis], dtype = tf$int32)
      combined_mask <- tf$cast(mask[, tf$newaxis, ], dtype = tf$int32)
      combined_mask <- tf$minimum(combined_mask, causal_mask)
    attention_output_1 <- self$attention_1(
      query = inputs,
      value = inputs,
      key = inputs,
      attention_mask = combined_mask,
      training = training,
    out_1 <- self$layernorm_1(inputs + attention_output_1)
    attention_output_2 <- self$attention_2(
      query = out_1,
      value = encoder_outputs,
      key = encoder_outputs,
      attention_mask = padding_mask,
      training = training,
    out_2 <- self$layernorm_2(out_1 + attention_output_2)
    ffn_out <- self$ffn_layer_1(out_2)
    ffn_out <- self$dropout_1(ffn_out, training = training)
    ffn_out <- self$ffn_layer_2(ffn_out)
    ffn_out <- self$layernorm_3(ffn_out + out_2, training = training)
    ffn_out <- self$dropout_2(ffn_out, training = training)
    preds <- self$out(ffn_out)
  get_causal_attention_mask = function(inputs) {
    input_shape <- tf$shape(inputs)
    batch_size <- input_shape[1]
    sequence_length <- input_shape[2]
    i <- tf$range(sequence_length)[, tf$newaxis]
    j <- tf$range(sequence_length)
    mask <- tf$cast(i >= j, dtype = "int32")
    mask <- tf$reshape(mask, list(1L, input_shape[2], input_shape[2]))
    mult <- tf$concat(list(
      tf$expand_dims(batch_size, -1L), 
      as_tensor(c(1L, 1L), dtype = tf$int32)
    ), axis = 0L)
    tf$tile(mask, mult)

image_captioning_model <- new_model_class(
  initialize = function(cnn_model, encoder, decoder, num_captions_per_image = 5,
                        image_aug = NULL) {
    self$cnn_model <- cnn_model
    self$encoder <- encoder
    self$decoder <- decoder
    self$loss_tracker <- metric_mean(name = "loss")
    self$acc_tracker <- metric_mean(name = "accuracy")
    self$num_captions_per_image <- num_captions_per_image
    self$image_aug <- image_aug
  calculate_loss = function(y_true, y_pred, mask) {
    loss <- self$loss(y_true, y_pred)
    mask <- tf$cast(mask, dtype = loss$dtype)
    loss <- loss* mask
    tf$reduce_sum(loss) / tf$reduce_sum(mask)
  calculate_accuracy = function(y_true, y_pred, mask) {
    accuracy <- tf$equal(y_true, tf$argmax(y_pred, axis = 2L))
    accuracy <- tf$math$logical_and(mask, accuracy)
    accuracy <- tf$cast(accuracy, dtype = tf$float32)
    mask <- tf$cast(mask, dtype = tf$float32)
    tf$reduce_sum(accuracy) / tf$reduce_sum(mask)
  .compute_caption_loss_and_acc = function(img_embed, batch_seq, training = TRUE) {
    encoder_out <- self$encoder(img_embed, training = training)
    batch_seq_inp <- batch_seq[, NULL:-2]
    batch_seq_true <- batch_seq[, 2:NULL]
    mask <- tf$math$not_equal(batch_seq_true, 0L)
    batch_seq_pred <- self$decoder(
      batch_seq_inp, encoder_out, training = training, mask = mask
    loss <- self$calculate_loss(batch_seq_true, batch_seq_pred, mask)
    acc <- self$calculate_accuracy(batch_seq_true, batch_seq_pred, mask)
    list(loss, acc)
  train_step = function(batch_data) {
    batch_img <- batch_data[[1]] 
    batch_seq <- batch_data[[2]]
    batch_loss <- 0
    batch_acc <- 0
    if (!is.null(self$image_aug)){
      batch_img <- self$image_aug(batch_img)
    # 1. Get image embeddings
    img_embed <- self$cnn_model(batch_img)
    # 2. Pass each of the five captions one by one to the decoder
    # along with the encoder outputs and compute the loss as well as accuracy
    # for each caption.
    for (i in seq_len(self$num_captions_per_image)) {
      with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {    
        c(loss, acc) %<-% self$.compute_caption_loss_and_acc(
          img_embed, batch_seq[, i, ], training = TRUE
        # 3. Update loss and accuracy
        batch_loss <- batch_loss + loss 
        batch_acc <- batch_acc + acc    
      # 4. Get the list of all the trainable weights
      train_vars <- c(self$encoder$trainable_variables,
      # 5. Get the gradients
      grads <- tape$gradient(loss, train_vars)
      # 6. Update the trainable weights
      self$optimizer$apply_gradients(zip_lists(grads, train_vars))
    # 7. Update the trackers
    batch_acc <- batch_acc/self$num_captions_per_image
    # 8. Return the loss and accuracy values
      loss = self$loss_tracker$result(), 
      acc = self$acc_tracker$result()
  test_step = function(batch_data) {
    batch_img <- batch_data[[1]] 
    batch_seq <- batch_data[[2]]
    batch_loss <- 0
    batch_acc <- 0

    # 1. Get image embeddings
    img_embed <- self$cnn_model(batch_img)
    # 2. Pass each of the five captions one by one to the decoder
    # along with the encoder outputs and compute the loss as well as accuracy
    # for each caption.
    for (i in seq_len(self$num_captions_per_image)) {
      with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {    
        c(loss, acc) %<-% self$.compute_caption_loss_and_acc(
          img_embed, batch_seq[, i, ], training = TRUE
        # 3. Update loss and accuracy
        batch_loss <- batch_loss + loss 
        batch_acc <- batch_acc + acc    
    batch_acc <- batch_acc / self$num_captions_per_image
    # 4. Update the trackers
    # 5. Return the loss and accuracy values
      "loss" = self$loss_tracker$result(), 
      "acc" = self$acc_tracker$result()
  metrics = mark_active(function() {
    # We need to list our metrics here so the `reset_states()` can be
    # called automatically.
    list(self$loss_tracker, self$acc_tracker)

cnn_model <- get_cnn_model()
encoder <- transformer_encoder_block(embed_dim = EMBED_DIM, dense_dim = FF_DIM, num_heads = 1)
decoder <- transformer_decoder_block(embed_dim = EMBED_DIM, ff_dim = FF_DIM, num_heads = 2)
caption_model <- image_captioning_model(
  cnn_model = cnn_model,
  encoder = encoder,
  decoder = decoder,
  image_aug = image_augmentation

Model training

# Define the loss function
cross_entropy <- loss_sparse_categorical_crossentropy(
    from_logits = FALSE, reduction = "none"

# EarlyStopping criteria
early_stopping <- callback_early_stopping(patience = 3, restore_best_weights = TRUE)

# Learning Rate Scheduler for the optimizer
lr_schedule <- new_learning_rate_schedule_class(
  initialize = function(post_warmup_learning_rate, warmup_steps) {
    self$post_warmup_learning_rate <- post_warmup_learning_rate
    self$warmup_steps <- warmup_steps
  call = function(step) {
    global_step <- tf$cast(step, tf$float32)
    warmup_steps <- tf$cast(self$warmup_steps, tf$float32)
    warmup_progress <- global_step / warmup_steps
    warmup_learning_rate <- self$post_warmup_learning_rate * warmup_progress
      global_step < warmup_steps,
      function() warmup_learning_rate,
      function() self$post_warmup_learning_rate

# Create a learning rate schedule
num_train_steps <- length(train_dataset) * EPOCHS
num_warmup_steps <- num_train_steps %/% 15
lr <- lr_schedule(post_warmup_learning_rate = 1e-4, warmup_steps = num_warmup_steps)

# Compile the model
caption_model %>% compile(
  optimizer = optimizer_adam(learning_rate = lr), 
  loss = cross_entropy

# Fit the model
caption_model %>% fit(
  epochs = EPOCHS,
  validation_data = valid_dataset,
  callbacks = list(early_stopping)

Check sample predictions

vocab <- get_vocabulary(vectorization)
max_decoded_sentence_length <- SEQ_LENGTH - 1
valid_images <- valid_data$img

generate_caption <- function() {
  # Select a random image from the validation dataset
  sample_img <- sample(valid_images, 1)
  # Read the image from the disk
  sample_img <- decode_and_resize(sample_img)
  img <- as.array(tf$clip_by_value(sample_img, 0, 255))
  img %>% as.raster(max = 255) %>% plot()
  # Pass the image to the CNN
  img <- tf$expand_dims(sample_img, 0L)
  img <- caption_model$cnn_model(img)
  # Pass the image features to the Transformer encoder
  encoded_img <- caption_model$encoder(img, training = FALSE)
  # Generate the caption using the Transformer decoder
  decoded_caption <- "<start> "
  for (i in seq_len(max_decoded_sentence_length)) {
    tokenized_caption <- vectorization(list(decoded_caption))
    mask <- tf$math$not_equal(tokenized_caption, 0L)
    predictions <- caption_model$decoder(
      tokenized_caption, encoded_img, training = FALSE, mask = mask
    sampled_token_index <- tf$argmax(predictions[1, i, ])
    sampled_token <- vocab[as.integer(sampled_token_index) + 1]
    if (sampled_token == " <end>") {

    decoded_caption <- paste(decoded_caption, sampled_token, sep = " ")
  cat("Predicted Caption: ", decoded_caption)

# Check predictions for a few samples


End Notes

We saw that the model starts to generate reasonable captions after a few epochs. To keep this example easily runnable, we have trained it with a few constraints, like a minimal number of attention heads. To improve the predictions, you can try changing these training settings and find a good model for your use case.